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:/what's new


:/sponsoring a blog

Years of writing learning materials and publishing free blogs for EFL and ESL teachers and students has helped me to develop a defined audience for high quality learning materials and services. If you would like to sponsor any of my blogs and help me continue this work, or if you think you have products, services or courses that my readers would find genuine educational benefit from please read on and find out how we could work together.

Image Quick Shout    Learning technology blog image    On Blogging and Social Media image    Daily English Activities image


Why sponsor a blog?
The best reason to sponsor one of these blogs is because you think the materials they deliver are of value to students and teachers around the world and you would like to show your support for the work they are doing.

Sponsorship will enable me to free up more of my time to produce more free content for teachers and students around the world. At the moment the blogs are written in my spare time when I'm not busy doing paid work and earning a living and with increased sponsorship I would be able to focus on creating more materials for the blogs which would in turn increase the audience size and so increase the value to you of sponsoring a blog.

What will you get?
In return for your sponsorship:
  • You will be able to place an image size 180px × 110px on all 4 blogs that will link back to any page on your own site.

These are the kinds of visitor numbers each site has generated over the past year (2009).

You can contact me if you would like more specific information about user trends of a specific blog.

What will it cost?
Sponsoring all blogs for 1 month = £60 per month
Sponsoring all blogs for 2 months = £55 per month
Sponsoring all blog for 3 - 6 months = £40 per month

Sponsor 1 blog for 1 month = £30 per month
Sponsor 1 blog for 2 months = £25 per month
Sponsor 1 blog for 3 - 6 month = £20 per month

For more information :/contact me

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