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:/video & screencast movies

Video screencast movies are an incredibly powerful and effective medium to educate teachers or potential customers about your web based products. They enable people to see how products can be used and enable users to overcome some of the fears and apprehension that they may have when faced with new and unfamiliar technologies.

Image Nik Peachey

I have produced screencast movies for a range of customers including:

:/The Consultants-E - for their Edunation Island in SecondLife

:/Russell Stannard - for his award winning Teacher Training Videos website

:/LanguageLab.com - for their Second Life English language and teacher training courses

You can see a range of my video tutorials on my YouTube channel. These are all low resolution for fast delivery.

I can produce movies in a range of digital formats and can help advise on platforms for delivering video content that will maximise its reach and effectiveness.

For more information :/contact me

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